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2012.12.10(一 )哈佛大學Dr. Ruth Richards.演講2012.12.06


Creativity,Beauty,Chaos,and Embracing the New


                       - 創意,渾沌理論與擁抱美麗新世界


演講者Speaker:Dr. Ruth Richards.





   E-mail  :hsy@thu.edu.tw 

      TEL  :04-23590121 #35103



 哈佛大學     Dr. Ruth Richards. 

每日創意(Everyday Creativity)的倡導大師,把產業認定的顯赫創意(eminent creativity),擴大至個人創意的全方位人性發展和應用。每日創意是每日生存術,是集體的創造過程,更是人類進化的無止盡歷程。她曾出版創造力與社會行動、靈性發展等方面的著作。美國心理學會的終生成就獎得主。

Proponent of Everyday Creativity, as opposed to the long-existing belief of Eminent Creativity.  Professor of Psychology at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, research affiliate at McLean Hospital, and Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. She has multiple publications, including the co-edited Eminent Creativity, Everyday Creativity, and Health. Winner of Life-time Achievement Award, American Psychological Society.

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